As per the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2019 rule of law adherence in 126 countries, India ranked 68[1].
The Rule of Law is measured on multiple factors like Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Order, and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice which has fallen from 65th to 68th. This Article is focused on meaning and understanding of the rule of law in a global sense also argues on the vitality of subject in the present era. So, the concept of rule of law can be traced back from the civilization of Greece, China, Mesopotamia, India and Rome.
In the fourth century, B.C. Aristotle wrote the book Politics which tells governance of law and suggested the notion of participatory governance. While explaining it he quoted that all men should follow and abide by the law. Also, the Greeks were among the first people in history to separate the court process from government power and introduced judgment by their peers.